Eighth Street Missionary Baptist Church

Rosalind Washington

ESMBC Director of Operations

The Year of “ALL IN”
501.376.7443 (Church Office)
Monday – Thursday (10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)

Deacons Ministry

Chairman of Deacons

Deacon Ivory J. Cannon

Email: IvoryJCannon@yahoo.com
Home: (501) 821-4204
Cell: (501) 551-1315

Assistant Chairman of Deacons

Deacon Emanuel Brooks

Email: emanuel.brooks@esmbc.com
Cell: (501) 416-4747

Deacon Mack Agnew

Email: mack.agnew@esmbc.com
Home: (501) 833-1763
Cell: (501) 590-7082

Deacon Richard Alexander

Email: richard.alexander@esmbc.com
Home: (501) 835-8207
Cell: (501) 952-7969

Deacon Bobby Chaten

Email: Cleanrightrestoration@gmail.com
Home: 223-0383
Cell: (501) 551-0211

Deacon James Falls

Email: james.falls@esmbc.com
Cell: (501) 413-9977

Deacon Deodis Fleming

Email: deodis.fleming@esmbc.com
Cell: (501) 765-0811

Deacon Michael Fowler

Email: mkmf10@aol.com
Home: (501) 227-9886
Cell: (501) 350-0967

Deacon David Mitchell

Email: Mitchelldadar@hotmail.com
Home: 864-7023
Cell: (573) 268-8145

Deacon J. W. Moore

Email: jwm2018@icloud.com
Home: (501) 945-4994
Cell: (501) 960-8992

Deacon Randolph Rochell

Email: Rrochell@oakley.com
Cell: (501) 837-1800

Deacon Sammie Stewart

Email: sammie-stewart@att.net
Home: (501) 666-1065
Cell: (501) 786-4598

Deacon William Toles

Email: WHRToles@sbcglobal.net
Home: (501) 864-7105
Cell: (501) 258-3543

Deacon Omar Khabeer