
Thank you for taking time to visit the virtual home of the Eighth Street Missionary Baptist Church. This is a tool that shall be used for the glory of God. Our goal is to take the gospel to the ends of the world using the World Wide Web. Please take a few moments to tour our site and see all of the exciting things that are happening at Eighth Street. God is blessing us with tremendous growth on every level: spiritually, numerically and financially, and we’re not crazy enough to take the credit, but we give all glory and honor to HIM!

Our mission is “To be in pursuit of excellence as we strive to move people from the streets, to the seats, from the seats to the Savior, from the Savior to the saints, and then from the saints, right back to the streets. We’re excited about that mission and we affectionately call Eighth Street the House of Grace; because ESMBC is a place full of ‘grace cases’ who are only alive because of the grace of God.

We’ve also included an archive of sermons that have been preached from the Rehab Center. We know that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. So we are bringing you the Word that your faith may increase. If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Savior or if you are looking for a church home, we would love to pray with you. Just contact us by dropping us a letter and we will get back to you. And remember, we love you, and there is nothing that you can do about it!!

Pastor Wesley